
Scrappy Hats and Naturally Grey Hair

January 18, 2023

Hello from deep within an unruly pile of fabric scraps. It is the time of year when my accumulated fabric scraps threaten to take over the world, or at least my studio. I have been fighting back and slowly…very slowly, turning them into hats. I have managed to make a grand total of three scrappy…

I’m Ready to Teach. Would You Like to Learn? Plus A New Video

January 9, 2023

Hello and Happy New Year! I hope you are all recovering from a few weeks of too much sugar, fat, flour and general slovenliness. I know I am. January always brings new direction for me and this year my thoughts and goals are with adding some teaching to my life. I have been finding myself…

Think Pink

December 2, 2022

Hello from pretty and chilly Lunenburg. Hope the world is beginning to feel festive wherever you are. I have been cozily tucked away in my little doll house (aka my studio) making hats. As you probably know by now, I have been obsessed with wool and all its miraculous properties. I have also metaphorically fallen…

My Quest to Slow Down Time and lots of Slow Hats

November 4, 2022

Hello, hello. It’s been so long since I have had the time to properly chat with you. Time has a way of getting away from us, doesn’t it? I have been digging my heels in the ground, valiantly trying to slow the world down, but I guess it’s true what they say…time waits for no…

A Packable Cloche Hat and Other Life Tales.

April 28, 2022

Hello, Happy end of April. One day I will make my peace with the month of April, but not yet. For now I am happy to be heading into the beautiful month of May and I have made just the hat to celebrate. This is my new Maude cloche hat. I’m really excited about this…

I Offer You Sunflowers

April 3, 2022

Hello Everyone, Today on the blog I offer you all things Sunflower. Is there anything that better symbolizes hope, optimism and beauty? We can’t stop darkness, but we can create light. While I do still have my daily six o’clock news despair hour, I’m mostly enjoying my life. I have come to the conclusion that…

And The Winner is……..

March 3, 2022

Congratulations to Julie Filion! She is the winner of a custom made Charlotte Hat. But, really, congratulations to all of you for being such wonderful, generous souls. Never did I imagine that I would have to end the contest early because too much money was coming in. Together, you donated $1425 (Canadian) to the Red…

Win This Hat for The Ukraine

March 2, 2022

Post Script: The raffle is now closed. You guys are amazing. The winner and details are in my next post. Hello Everyone, I hope you are all well. I am well and, probably like most of you, also heavy hearted. It is difficult to feel helpless while witnessing the suffering being inflicted on the Ukrainian…

Flowery Headbands for February

January 29, 2022

Hello, hello, I come bearing flowers….Flowers for your head to be specific. Without fail, every year around this time I create something very bright and florally. It’s my way of warming up winter. I do have much to share with you, but let’s start with my latest version of my Madeline headband. This began with…

Fluffy Clouds and Scrappy Sundays.

December 10, 2021

Whew, I finally made it back here. It has been a whirlwind of a month. I kept trying to get some hats made to tell you about and then before I could sit down and start typing they would sell. I have been particularly delighted that my hand knit and felted hats have been finding…