
Nostalgia for the good old days

June 19, 2008

I have been sifting through tons of papers, old photos and documents because in three weeks we are moving to Lunenburg, Nova Scotia. Things sure get slowed down a lot when I have to pause to stare at the photos I come across. I keep finding photos of craft shows that I have done which…

Crazy Busy

June 6, 2008

The countdown to Nova Scotia has begun. Are we really doing this? How crazy busy can one person be? I have found a wonderful new sales rep in Toronto. I’m quite excited about expanding my line to more stores in Canada. I couldn’t figure out why my new canadian stores wanted their winter hats in…

Truly Amazing

May 25, 2008

There have been many truly amazing things going on this week. In the hat world I feel like a rock star. The orders just kept coming this week. Tony, my husband, would ask me in the morning if I sold any hats in my sleep. This is a dream come true for me. To be…

Bound for Nova Scotia

May 18, 2008

Hello again, I mentioned a couple of entries ago that we are bound for Nova Scotia. The big move is only about six weeks away. I am in some sort of stupified denial stage, similar in feeling to being nine months pregnant. I hear your question. Wow, why? Because of a job? No. Do you…

Chef Dusty

May 13, 2008

People often ask me if I make hats for men or boys. The answer is not usually because they are just not that fun. Basically, my true joy in making a hat is when I get to the details part, the icing on the cake. There is, however, an exception to my rule and that…

My Studio

May 8, 2008

Well, the time has arrived to reveal the room behind the madness. It is located next to my 4 year old son, Dusty’s room. It is very small. And thanks to some great shelving built by my favorite (and only) husband, Tony, it holds a whole lot of stuff. Probably too much stuff, but just…

My Brush with Fame

May 3, 2008

Well, I was totally tickled yesterday to discover A photo of Genie Francis, who played Laura on General Hospital wearing one of my hats. It is on the web site of A CHERISHED HOME. This is a wonderful store in Belfast, Maine. It is owned by Genie Francis. The hat she is wearing is called…

Anna meets the sewing machine

April 28, 2008

Hello again. Today I had an inquiry from someone in Lithuania, regarding this hat. what fun it would be to know this hat was alive and well and living in Lithuania. But, I promised to explain how I met the sewing machine. After being hopelessly inspired by the milliner in Toronto, I set off on…

a brief history of a hat maker

April 11, 2008

Hello again, For those of you that tuned in to my last entry , I would like to continue with the brief history of a hat maker, but first I need to take care of the business of linking my web sites to this blog, so here goes…. and Now, where were we?So,…

My very first entry

April 9, 2008

Hello and welcome to a day in the life of The Hat Junkie. I hope to provide you with a glimpse into the life of a hat maker, a.k.a milliner. My obsession with hats began at 19 years of age (21 years ago) I was visiting my aunt in Montreal and we went to beautiful…